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Protoconf for Platform Engineering

One of the challenges of platform engineering is coordinating between different stakeholders, each with their own concerns and requirements. Protoconf can help streamline this process by serving as a single source of truth that all stakeholders can agree upon.

Contract Definition

The first step is to define a contract in Protobuf. This contract can include information about the components and services in your production system, such as:

  • Component metadata, like its owner and its sources/packages needed to run
  • Metrics for evaluating the component's health
  • Dependencies on other components
syntax = "proto3";

package platform_engineering.v1;

message Component {
    string owner = 1;
    repeated string sources = 2;
    repeated string metrics = 3;
    repeated string dependencies = 4;

Application of the Contract

With the contract defined, each stakeholder can use Protoconf to provide and consume information in ways that are relevant to their roles:

Software Engineers and SREs

Software engineers and SREs can use Protoconf to populate the contract with data about the components they own.

load("platform_engineering.v1/", "Component")

    sources=["", ""],
    metrics=["latency", "error_rate"],
    dependencies=["component2", "component3"]

Compute Infrastructure Engineers

Compute infrastructure engineers can use the contract to automate the application of these definitions into the compute platform. This allows a clear migration path between different infrastructure platforms like Kubernetes, ECS, and Serverless.

load("", "k8s")

for component in components:
        image=component.sources[0], # assumes sources[0] is the primary source
        # fill in other fields as necessary

Monitoring Infrastructure Engineers

Monitoring infrastructure engineers can use the contract to apply the correct monitoring tools, scrape and keep relevant metrics, and generate dashboards.

load("", "monitoring")

for component in components:
        name=component.owner + "_dashboard",
        # fill in other fields as necessary

Security Engineers

Security engineers can enforce security practices via validators, implement zero-trust networking, provide secrets services, and manage access.

load("", "security")

for component in components:
        name=component.owner + "_policy",
        # fill in other fields as necessary

FinOps Engineers

FinOps engineers can enforce and automate correct resource tagging, adding relevant alerts, etc.

load("", "finops")

for component in components:
        name=component.owner + "_tagging_policy",
        # fill in other fields as necessary

By using Protoconf in this way, each stakeholder can focus on their own concerns, while also having access to a holistic view of the system. This increases both the efficiency and the effectiveness of your platform engineering efforts.